Jeweler, writer, maker of ridiculousness
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BAD OPTICS: Political Theater


Pins for a Patriot

In the series Pins for a Patriot, the ubiquitous flag pin is scaled up to absurdity. Each of the four pins doubles in size until a final six-inch pin weighs down the lapel of its wearer, a highly conspicuous statement of the wearer’s supposed patriotism. As they become increasingly large and visible, the pins assert their patriotic position with such absurd conviction that depending on their context, viewer, and wearer, they may become satirical.

Pin for a Patriot 1, Photography by Rob Chron, Modelling by Steven KP

Pin for a Patriot 1, Photography by Rob Chron, Modelling by Steven KP


Pins for a Patriot 1-3

Pins for a Patriot 1-3

For those who have come to associate the flag pin with corrupt politicians and far-right nationalism, wearing even the smallest pin may be uncomfortable. Its familiar presence may symbolically include them in these communities. In that case, the enormous flag may be more comfortably worn: surely no one would take a six-inch flag pin seriously. For others, the possibility of satire may be entirely missed as they choose which pin to wear. They want the largest one possible! The bigger, the better, and the more patriotic! In a political climate marked by huge red ties and ignored scandals of enormous scale, perhaps no pin is too large to be taken seriously.


Impious Eagles

The Liberty Eagle pin by Ann Hand LLC is a golden, ruby-eyed eagle pin that clasps a pearl in its talons. Supposedly worn upon the lapels of "First Ladies, Ambassadors, Senators, Congresswomen, celebrities and leaders in the fields of Arts, Science, Business and the Armed Forces," the Liberty Eagle represents its country with pride. Its inspirational promise is articulated in the note included with each pin in its Deluxe Custom Gold Wrapped box: "May the eagle be an inspiration for you to keep your vision clear and your spirit soaring as you rise above the rush and pressure of everyday living."

Impious Eagles

Impious Eagles

While the Liberty Eagle aims to inspire politicians to "rise above the rush and pressure of everyday living," the Impious Eagle seeks to empathize with its disenfranchised citizenry through playful mockery of the strict political costume. With its cartoonish gold-plating, sparkling cubic zirconia eyes, and the ridiculous symbols that hang flaccidly from its talons, the Impious Eagle acknowledges the importance of the lived experience. In lieu of a power pearl, these eagles clench "true" symbols of the people: a cursor of war, a rainbow, toilet paper, a BANG flag, a deformed "don't tread on me" snake, a dildo, a condom, a fetus, and a rat. It is my intent that every individual may find an Impious Eagle to represent them, making it known that they have seen through the guise of political conformity and have reclaimed this symbol for their own interests.



The Astroturf blazer serves a similar purpose as a satirical call-out of disingenuous political branding. Just as a flag pin or Liberty Eagle serves to alter constituents’ understandings of a representative, Astroturf represents manipulative communication strategies. The ornamented blazer is based on "astroturfing," a method of communication manipulation used by associations and individual politicians where they frame their mission as a "grassroots" cause despite being backed by large sponsors or government institutions. The jacket specifically references the astroturfing practices of Republican politicians who present themselves as supportive of disenfranchised white conservative voters as they deck themselves out in denim and corporate donations.

Astroturf blazer, Photography by Rob Chron, Modelling by Steven KP

Astroturf blazer, Photography by Rob Chron, Modelling by Steven KP


Astroturf combines an absurd collection of right-wing symbols which cover a traditional navy blue blazer: historical and confederate flag patches, religious and patriotic charms, flag buttons, patriotic iron-on patches, red leather "cowboy" fringe, and the American flag in every conceivable form. The jacket mimics a poorly designed disguise. It appears as if its wearer grabbed everything they felt would resonate with their base and disguised themselves with it like a decorated hermit crab. Meanwhile, on the back and arms of the jacket are sponsorship patches from the largest corporate donors to the Republican party in 2016, the patches’ scale based on the size of individual donations. This dirty secret is placed on the back of the jacket so that it will be disguised by the homespun patriotic aesthetic of the front.


Medal of Freedom

Medal of Freedom draws upon the history of concealed adornment. However, instead of being concealed under layers of clothing or on the backside of a jacket, Medal of Freedom’s concealed message is hidden in plain sight via an optical trick. Information concealment is achieved in the form of a reflection hologram, marrying the worlds of social and light optics. The holographic message, which can only be seen fully under red laser light, presents a method of sneaking dissenting opinions into halls of power. Medal of Freedom — a gaudy, gold-plated and bedazzled medallion featuring American flags, columns, a MAGA hat, and a miniature barbed-wire border wall — is made to criticize the Trump administration from within.

Medals of Freedom with hologram unlit

Medals of Freedom with hologram unlit

Medals of Freedom with hologram lit

Medals of Freedom with hologram lit

Absurdly over-the-top in its glitz, the medallion is designed to conform aesthetically to the golden, flag-covered walls of Trump’s Whitehouse. It could be worn by an unsuspicious visitor or perhaps gifted to Trump himself as an award for his spectacular achievements. It lies in wait to reveal its opinion, content in its own private statement: "FILTHY FUCKING FASCIST."